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Joy West has lived her life on her own terms. From being a World Champion Equestrian at age 16, to singing backup for Michael Jackson on his “Thriller” album, she excelled at an early age. Some would view her as living a dichotomy: on one hand successfully running her high-end fashion business while also volunteering much of her time helping those truly in need of a second chance.


Stemming from her passion to help, for 10 years, Joy worked to set up a jail system in the U.S. solely dedicated to rehabilitating the inmates instead of simply warehousing them. This project, visited by top government officials from around the world, applauded it as an extraordinary example of prison reform. Joy also helped run a crime prevention program called L.I.V.E. Learning Integrity and Values through Education, through the police department and Mayors office in Mexico, with over 50,000 school kids participating. The police reported that drug use and gang activity around the schools decreased markedly and the school dropout rate greatly diminished.


Joy has frequently collaborated with state and national political leaders and celebrities, helping connect them to humanitarian and social issues. She worked In Washington D.C. on projects with the U.S. Department of Justice, The US Department of Homeland Security, The US Department of Health and Human Services, the State Department and White House. Joy worked with the Administrator of the DEA and Legislators in every State on a highly successful national club drug prevention program that helped to greatly reduce the use of ecstasy and club drugs nationally. Joy was honored with a prestigious award at the National Press Club for her work on this project.


Joy is an advocate for animal welfare. She has devoted her life to the safety, protection, and admiration of animals. She is known for the line of animal friendly, faux fur she carries in her Aspen boutique. An effective altruist, part of the proceeds of her animal-friendly faux fur are donated to protect endangered animals. Joy takes part in many charity events supporting animal welfare and rescue. She is an avid supporter of Hero Dogs, a charity that provides service dogs for veterans. Athena her beloved rescue dog can be seen in several photos modeling with Joy.


Sometimes controversial, never afraid of a challenge Joy is all about doing what she sets out to-and doing it in style! Many thank her for the positive change she has made in their lives and being an inspiration of the human spirit and what can be accomplished if you set your mind to it!

"Joy at a Service Dog for Heroes events."

"Joy with program graduates turned staff, honoring the  Secretary of Human Rights for Mexico”

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Joy modeling her line of faux fur at an animal sanctuary. 

“ Joy with Chief of Police for Tijuana”

Joy West,
President of
The Second Chance Program,
Tour of The United States Legislators
Joy West
President of 
The Second Chance Program, 
Puerto Rico
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Susan Harrison: Truly amazing. I am happy you shared this video. Congratulations for the incredible work and lives you helped save.

Sid Blauner: Everyone deserves a second chance. Thank you Joy.

Linda Honner:  Wow! All true! I was so lucky to see it for myself. An amazing program that really worked. You are an angel Joy. What you and your team did there in creating that amazing Program and then giving hope and a transformed life to hundreds and hundreds, then thousands of inmates in one of the worst prisons in the world, who then became drug-free, healthy, literate and morally rehabilitated - it was nothing short of a miracle. Your life was often in danger and you were under unbelievable pressure from all sorts of directions, vested interests who wanted to close it down. What a unique human being you are Joy. God bless you. 💜

Gregory Popeye Alexander: I TRULY admire what 🏆 you're doing to help make a better life for people. 👌 You must have wings in your closet or Somewhere!😇

“ Joy with Asa Hutchinson, former DEA Administrator and current Governor of Arkansas” 

Chief of Police of Tijuana with Joy, President of Second Chance, and Second Chance Executive Director
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Joy, Lord McNair and Chief of Scotland Yard Chris Brightsmore, with children participating in the LIVE program ( Learning Integrity & Values Through Education). A school based crime prevention program in Tijuana.”


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